Look Great. Feel Amazing.
What is micro-sclerotherapy?
This is a treatment for 'spider' or 'thread' veins on the leg - these lie on the upper surface.
The injection is a 'sclerosant' which irritates the lining of the vein and causes inflammation - the vein walls then stick together and disappears
Both men and women can experience these.
Permitted age for treatment : from age 18 year old
Who is not suitable for this treatment?
Unable to walk for any reason.
Currently taking oral contraceptives (Ideally this should be stopped one month before commencing treatment, as it could slightly increase the risk of a deep vein thrombosis).
Currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
Very overweight (obese).
Experiencing acute inflammation with/or without blood clot formation (phlebitis/superficial thrombophlebitis) in the vein to be treated.
A history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE).
An allergy to the sclerosant (sodium tetradecyl suphate or “fibrovein”).
An infection in the skin on the area to be treated.
An infection throughout the body (systemic infection), such as a virus or a cold.
Diabetes that is not well controlled.
Significant heart disease.
Significant peripheral arterial disease.
Significant kidney disease.
Varicose veins which require surgical/endovenous intervention.
Varicose veins caused by pelvic/abdominal tumours.
Currently on medication to thin the blood (e.g. Warfarin).
How is the treatment undertaken?:
- A full medical assessment is undertaken by the Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- The area of injection is jointly decided (if more than one area) and photos are taken
- The area will be cleaned
- The veins will be injected by a tiny needle with a 'sclerosant'
- There should be minimal bleeding during the treatment
Aftercare - a Aftercare leaflet will be given to you
1. Expect bruising, inflammation and some pain
2. For pain DO NOT take anti-inflammatories ie Ibuprofen but do take paracetamol
3. Flight Socks are to be worn for at least 7 days
4. Avoid hot baths for 2 weeks
5. Avoid waxing or shaving for weeks
6. Avoid sunbathing, saunas and hot tubs for 4 weeks
Do I need repeat treatment?
Yes....... Repeat treatment cannot be undertaken within 4 weeks. - but this depends on the size and the extent of the veins.
What are the side effects?
The treatment is a very safe procedure.
Minor side effects: Bruising and swelling to the injection site. A small scab on the injection site and tenderness. These fade within a few weeks depending how you particularly heal.